About Us

Dementia-care worth remembering.

It’s a challenge becoming a “parent to your parent”. We know, we’ve been there. That’s why we created Carl, the dementia-friendly platform – to reduce stress and increase possibilities.

Carl offers compassionate care via smart phones and tablets – making it easier to manage, monitor and maintain your loved one.

With a little help from innovative technology, you get huge benefits as a caregiver. Even your loved one gets easy-to-use tools to interact with family and selected friends via the smart phone. Staying connected is staying healthy.

mission is
to ease the pains of dementia globally.

Our Story

Based on a true story of compassionate caring.

Say hello to Carl. He is the dad of four, our co-founder Niclas being one of the caring siblings.

   In 2017, Carl got diagnosed with dementia. During early stages, the siblings worked closely to manage the life of their beloved father.

   But, modern life isn’t very dementia-friendly.

   As the disease progressed, things got tougher. A lot tougher.

   The family had a tight caring scheme, but Carl got more and more isolated. Niclas had given his dad a phone, custom-made for elderly, but Carl just couldn’t use it anymore. It got too complex. Even calling was suddenly a huge obstacle, not to mention paying bills, schedule doctors’ appointments, order food, arrange transports and listen to music (Carl’s passion in life).

    Niclas got an idea. Let’s put “smart” back in smart phone – even for people with dementia – making the device into the remote caring tool it can, and should, be.

    Niclas called upon his friend Farid, a French creative innovator with several successful ventures. The duo has worked together on international business projects for 25 years, this time it got … personal. With a handpicked tech team with top creative forces from all over the world, the visionary tool began to take shape. The united brain power resulted in a dementia-friendly – very friendly – solution.

   In 2024, Niclas’ dad and the four sibling all use the platform to make caring easier.

   Honoring Carl, we called it Hello Carl.

   In short, Carl – as in compassionate care.

Core Team

We care about a better life for everyone.

Farid Chaouki

Farid Chaouki

Co-Founder, CEO
Niclas Sellebråten

Niclas Sellebråten

Co-Founder, Creative Director
Vlad Plotean

Vlad Plotean

Co-Founder, CTO
Florin Leu

Florin Leu

Co-Founder, Head of Engineering
Alicia Nashel-Watts, LCSW

Alicia Nashel-Watts, LCSW

Empathy Ambassador
Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia Johnson

Oded Tal

Oded Tal

Board Member, Advisor
Oren Frank

Oren Frank


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